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Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Beth Kanter


Thanks for the link. Someone from a nonprofit reacted to the above with "That's patronizing" -- do you think it is? How to make it less so ...

Beth Kanter

One other thing ... I've been thinking that maybe it isn't black and white - yes or no - but hold for now, consider later. What do you think?

Beverly Trayner

Beth.. I'm wondering what bit is patronising?

About the black and white .. I was already thinking a blogpost about that.


Are you eager to secure funds for that dream project of yours?


I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.


Have you been turned down by other lenders?


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You write well will be waiting for your new publications.


Merry Christmas! I wish you a lot of gifts and luck in the new year.


Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.


Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!

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you sat back and wondered how you could get people to codify their knowledge.

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  • My name is Bev Trayner and I live in Setúbal, Portugal. The focus of my research and practice is designing for learning in distributed communities. I am particularly interested in connecting people in international communities. Key words are: communities of practice, learning, meaning-making, inclusion, multiliteracies, Portugal, and Web2.0 technologies. Keeping a blog helps me navigate my way through different practices and world views. Phronesis includes pondering on the specifics and the universal. It follows on from my previous blog "Em duas línguas".

    More about my publications, presentations etc.

Este blog

  • Eu sou Bev Trayner e moro em Setúbal, Portugal. O objecto da minha investigação e da minha prática é o design para aprendizagem nas “comunidades distribuídas” (virtuais). Estou particularmente interessada nas ligações entre pessoas nas comunidades internacionais. As palavras-chave são: comunidades de prática, aprendizagem, a produção de sentido, inclusão, multi-literacias, Portugal e as tecnologias de Web2.0 Escrevo este blog porque me ajuda a navegar entre diferentes práticas e diferentes visões do mundo. Phronesis, a contemplar o particular e o universal, vem no seguimento do meu blog "Em duas línguas."

    Mais sobre as minhas publicações, conferências etc.

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    Bev Trayner