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Tuesday, February 06, 2007



parabéns! ´ta muito fixe. i like many things, also the bilingual-in-same-page; otherwise i would have checked and compared anyway.

Andy Roberts

Hi Bev,
I like the overall style and simplicity. There is a problem with the implementation using framess. If the site is viewed in less than quite a large browser window, then the nice photo and contact details obscure part of the right hand section of the main content. The whole thing needs to be fixed width or else allow the main content to wrap around as the window

Less importantly, the navigation buttons look as if they are meant to change colour as rollovers but don't. There's nothing wrong with using text links though.

I'm a bit short sighted and find the grey text on white a little too light.

Putting the english first makes a statement about priority. Is this intended? If not maybe try side by side columns for the two languages.

Hope this helps, good luck.

Nancy White

I echo Andy's comment on the gray font. It was difficult for my eyes as well.My other sense was I was hungering for a warm color. Grey and green are both cool!

Custom Logo Design

Nice and such a interesting post you share with us.. Keep going on..I like to share this post with my friends as well.

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  • My name is Bev Trayner and I live in Setúbal, Portugal. The focus of my research and practice is designing for learning in distributed communities. I am particularly interested in connecting people in international communities. Key words are: communities of practice, learning, meaning-making, inclusion, multiliteracies, Portugal, and Web2.0 technologies. Keeping a blog helps me navigate my way through different practices and world views. Phronesis includes pondering on the specifics and the universal. It follows on from my previous blog "Em duas línguas".

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Este blog

  • Eu sou Bev Trayner e moro em Setúbal, Portugal. O objecto da minha investigação e da minha prática é o design para aprendizagem nas “comunidades distribuídas” (virtuais). Estou particularmente interessada nas ligações entre pessoas nas comunidades internacionais. As palavras-chave são: comunidades de prática, aprendizagem, a produção de sentido, inclusão, multi-literacias, Portugal e as tecnologias de Web2.0 Escrevo este blog porque me ajuda a navegar entre diferentes práticas e diferentes visões do mundo. Phronesis, a contemplar o particular e o universal, vem no seguimento do meu blog "Em duas línguas."

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