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Thursday, February 15, 2007



i think we who work at home live in a dreamland sometimes... workplaces are at the command of the it dept and bill gates' ridiculously overbearing licensing rules.
YOU can keep kicking IT butts though, bev.

Nancy White

Wow, this is an excellent technology stewardship reflection. (tagging it now!) I find the same problem in international NGOs with the 'permission to download and install" stuff problem. That's why fully web based apps are nice. What do you have to download for Google groups?

In one org that does not allow Skype, the traditional trick is to download it, use it till you think you are going to be caught, uninstall it and then wait a while and do it all over again. The phone cost savings are extraordinary, but the IT department is not happy about how Skype uses end users bandwidth in the operation. So their concerns have root in some legitimacy.

The question is, how to move the whole paradigm. It is about moving to more openness, which is such a difficult thing for many organizations. This is a CHANGE issue masquerading as a tech issue.

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WOW, this'll keep me busy for years. I've been subscribing to your RSS feed for months, but somehow I missed this great list.

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  • My name is Bev Trayner and I live in Setúbal, Portugal. The focus of my research and practice is designing for learning in distributed communities. I am particularly interested in connecting people in international communities. Key words are: communities of practice, learning, meaning-making, inclusion, multiliteracies, Portugal, and Web2.0 technologies. Keeping a blog helps me navigate my way through different practices and world views. Phronesis includes pondering on the specifics and the universal. It follows on from my previous blog "Em duas línguas".

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  • Eu sou Bev Trayner e moro em Setúbal, Portugal. O objecto da minha investigação e da minha prática é o design para aprendizagem nas “comunidades distribuídas” (virtuais). Estou particularmente interessada nas ligações entre pessoas nas comunidades internacionais. As palavras-chave são: comunidades de prática, aprendizagem, a produção de sentido, inclusão, multi-literacias, Portugal e as tecnologias de Web2.0 Escrevo este blog porque me ajuda a navegar entre diferentes práticas e diferentes visões do mundo. Phronesis, a contemplar o particular e o universal, vem no seguimento do meu blog "Em duas línguas."

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