Yesterday I was facilitating a "phase change" that is the reuslt of a six week workshop I presented last year about communities and web2.0 technologies. It's fascinating to look back on a post I wrote as I did the preparations for that workshop. When I wrote the post I never imagined the ongoing life of the workshop a year after it was over.
The ongoing activity and conversations after the workshop have been energising. Participants are divided between the "crentes" (believers) and the agnostics. The believers are those who felt transformed by what we did and the agnostics were the ones who didn't engage in the workshop - but who still give up a mornings or afternoon to participate in conversations about it.
The workshop and its processes and results have now been called a "product", something that can be validated and re-used, a step in the process that friends in the CPsquare dialogue were a part of. Yesterday I was facilitating to help the group articulate better what exactly this product is: A workshop? A methodology? A wiki? A community? During the afternoon we planned the next steps to "finalise" it as a joint product.
I was really energised to see that the workshop no longer belongs to me. Rather, the experience of the workshop and the follow-on have resulted in the group taking ownership of the whole package. And that was what they decided to call it: a package.
The result is a dynamic package of:
- Communication tools (e.g. Skype, wiki etc.)
- Training (including the needs analysis and methodology)
- Action (including examples and stories of where it has been applied)
- Production (for example, the Wikis that have resulted from it)
One group defined this package as "a combination of tools for the animation of networks for:
- autonomy/empowerment of the participants;
- made-to-measure;
- interactive communication;
- open to the exterior;
- continuous assessment."
("conjunto articulado de ferramentas para a animação de redes para:
- autonómia/empowerment dos participantes;
- construção a medida;
- comunicação interactiva:
- abertura ao exterior;
- avaliação continua.")
The other group defined it as "interactive, dynamic methodologies, tools and guidelines to mobilise the management and animation of communities to improve communication, interaction, training, monitoring and information."
("interactivo, dinâmico metodologias, ferramentas, guidelines para mobilisar gestão, animação de comunidades para acrescentar comunicação, interacção, formação, monitorização, informação.")
I've had a number of deeply honouring moments this year, and I count this phase change as one of them.