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Thursday, July 12, 2007



Well happy birthday! Don't worry about the number, just give thanks for the energy.

Bev Trayner

Thanks Harry. I love the number... just don't know if I fit into it!


"Every night I sleep dissatisfied..."
Hurry, learn to sleep more satisfied or you will grow sour wrinkles...
Happy birthday!

Bev Trayner

oh noooo ... not wrinkles!

Thank you!


Happy Birthday, Bev! An essential and warm smile to an existential question!

Bev Trayner

Warm smiles welcome. Thanks!

lucy p

well, you're a very young 48 if you ask me.

and IMHO, if you haven't bought yourself a bata yet, you never will, especially if last night's dishes are still in the sink (ah, we have so much in common... is it an english disease, i wonder).... and as for the flipflops... well, er... only if you start getting hairy toes!!!!!

Bev Trayner

Whew .. I'm relieved about the bata.

(Lucky you said something about looking young for my age - who knows if the potential one-legged one is out there...)

Nancy White


Happy Happy Birthday



both would be good...

Lilia Efimova

I'm always for being yourself - even if it's about wearing shoes that you really like, playing with scary research methodologies or thinking about new tools early in the morning...

Happy birthday from our little family!

(and the sun in Russia feels almost like in Portugal, only without all those delicious sweets :)

Bev Trayner

Lilia ... accompanying you round shoe shops in the US was the catalyst for acknowledging and assuming my own shoe fantasies! Similar pattern with research methodologies :-)

I held a baby yesterday and remembered your sweet, scrummy, little one.

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This blog

  • My name is Bev Trayner and I live in Setúbal, Portugal. The focus of my research and practice is designing for learning in distributed communities. I am particularly interested in connecting people in international communities. Key words are: communities of practice, learning, meaning-making, inclusion, multiliteracies, Portugal, and Web2.0 technologies. Keeping a blog helps me navigate my way through different practices and world views. Phronesis includes pondering on the specifics and the universal. It follows on from my previous blog "Em duas línguas".

    More about my publications, presentations etc.

Este blog

  • Eu sou Bev Trayner e moro em Setúbal, Portugal. O objecto da minha investigação e da minha prática é o design para aprendizagem nas “comunidades distribuídas” (virtuais). Estou particularmente interessada nas ligações entre pessoas nas comunidades internacionais. As palavras-chave são: comunidades de prática, aprendizagem, a produção de sentido, inclusão, multi-literacias, Portugal e as tecnologias de Web2.0 Escrevo este blog porque me ajuda a navegar entre diferentes práticas e diferentes visões do mundo. Phronesis, a contemplar o particular e o universal, vem no seguimento do meu blog "Em duas línguas."

    Mais sobre as minhas publicações, conferências etc.

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    Bev Trayner